Friday, October 19, 2007

Making Money From Your Couch

As the world gets smaller and smaller, we are finding ourselves in a globalized economy. This requires an integration between different countries, some that are halfway around the world. In the past, one would be required to fly there and conduct business as a representative with minimal communication from their home office. Today is much different. Now, one doesn't even need to leave his/her own bedroom. Well, that may be an exaggeration, because you'd probably have to be in your office, but you see where I'm going with this.

New technology allows you to set up web cams and video conference calls. This is advantageous, because you can physically see who you are talking to. Google has google docs which is useful for me at the moment. I am in NY and need to work on our group assignment from here. We have set up google docs where each member can modify the paper online at their own leisure. Gerrit Visser in "Coworking is (also) : Working Together Online", would call this "coworking" because most of its success came outside from scheduled meetings and informally.

I believe virtual teams can be as productive as those that meet in person. It all depends on the group members. They need to be self motivated, independent, and punctual in regards to deadlines. They all must share similar interests in getting something done, according to Gerrit Visser. "Lastly, in Working Together...When Apart", by Lynda Gratton, at least some of the team members must know each other. Familiarity helps facilitate building networks among members. With these characteristics in place, one can be in an effective virtual team. Hey maybe we should use Second Life...


Mike said...

I agree with what you have to say about the global economy. Conferencing makes sense long distance via Google Docs, Skype, and other technologies that allow for conferencing/mutual accountancy. It shows that our world is closing in size. Though I DO NOT like the program, SL will also be included in the future. SL is perfect on paper, but due to it currently being so slow and not everyone on it, it is impractical. Currently, about 24% of the US is NOT connected to the Internet (digital divide). All of the above stated makes corporate America/the world function with ease, especially conferencing making business easier.

Alexandra said...

I agree with most of what you say in your blog, but for the part that you say that personal and virtual meetings can be as productive. I think that nothing can compare to having a meeting in person. It is so much harder to communicate through the Internet. The other day I asked a friend that works at an advertising agency about what she thought about this topic. She said that she has done both face to face and virtual meetings, and that meeting someone in person has been more successful in communicating their ideas. Online meetings make it difficult to explain things to their customers. Maybe it depends on what is being discussed, but I think that being face to face with someone makes communication much easier.